Zubehör: For the Love of Paw Paws von Michael Judd

Ein praxis bezogenes Buch für den Anbau und Erhalt von Pawpaws - vom Samen bis zum Tisch.
Das Buch ist auf Englisch (140 Seiten mit Farbfotos) daher spare ich mir die Übersetzung der Beschreibung:


How to cultivate, harvest, and utilize North America’s largest native fruit

It is hard to eat more than one pawpaw at a go. The creamy rich pulp with tropical flavors ranging from mango and pineapple to banana combine like a satisfying dessert.

The pawpaw, a close relative of the tropical custard apple, grows throughout much of North America yet culturally and horticulturally we know very little about it.

This mini manual by edible landscape author Michael Judd jumps right into growing, caring for, harvesting, and using pawpaws – from seed to table. Judd demystifies fruit growing in direct, easy to follow steps that quickly brings confidence to the newbie grower while expanding the horizons of curious gardeners.

Historically most people have only experienced foraged pawpaw fruit, which can be a hit or miss game for a good experience. That is quickly changing as selected and bred cultivars are being grown and shared.  Judd’s pawpaw manual gets you started right away with the best selections and approaches.

Filled with straightforward how-to, colorful pictures and illustrations For the Love of Pawpaws brings to life easy and successful ways to enjoy the best pawpaws have to offer.

Chapters include:

  • Where Can I Grow Pawpaws?
  • Buying a Good Pawpaw Tree
  • Growing Pawpaws from Seed & Grafting
  • Landscaping Ideas
  • Ecological Tree Care
  • Harvest: Fruit Handling & Processing
  • What to Do with All this Fruit! Recipes
  • Pawpaws & Permaculture

Discover the many reasons pawpaws are edible landscape and culinary all-stars!

For the Love of Pawpaws will take you on an adventure that culminates in one of life’s most rewarding experiences. A delicious opportunity to enjoy organic gardening and gourmet food at it best.

22,00 €

  • 0,53 kg
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  • Lieferung in 2-9 Werktagen1

Zubehör: The Pocket Pawpaw Cookbook von Sara Bir

Das erste Pawpaw Kochbuch auf English!


Introduction by Alexis Nikole Nelson

"There is, I think, a pawpaw temperament; curious, engaged, humble. I have yet to meet a person who is drawn to pawpaws who is not a good person." —from "Why Pawpaws?" in The Pocket Pawpaw Cookbook

What's a pawpaw you ask? It's a fruit, and also a challenge, locus of folklore and desire. A variant of the "custard apple" family,  pawpaws exude a tropical air but grow wild north of Florida, east of the Mississippi, and south of Canada found in the fleeting, honeyed weeks between August and October. They are fleshy and awkward to to eat, sweetly fragrant, and do not travel well at all. They are beloved by foragers, keepers of regional food traditions, and anyone seeking relief from the industrial food chain.

In The Pocket Pawpaw Cookbook, Sara Bir sets the humble pawpaw center stage, with detailed information on how to harvest, source, store, and—of course—cook with these uniquely Midwestern delicacies. Here you'll find recipes for pawpaw cornbread and pawpaw pudding; key lime pawpaw cheesecake and banana-pawpaw ketchup. Sidebars address questions as varied as "where can I buy frozen pawpaws?" and "how do I use paw paw in a cocktail?" Written with humor and love for a curious subject, The Pocket Pawpaw Cookbook will inspire you to experiment in the kitchen and get out into the woods. With an introduction by Alexis Nicole Nelson, TikTok star and @blackforager.

Sara Bir is a chef, writer, and plant nerd who aims to get people outside and looking at their everyday surroundings in a completely new way. Her book The Fruit Forager's Companion (Chelsea Green, 2018) won the 2019 Reference and Technical Cookbook Award from the International Association of Culinary Professionals. A graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, she teaches classes for home cooks and her writing has been featured in Saveur, Lucky Peach, Serious Eats, Modern Farmer, Best Food Writing 2014, and two Full Grown People anthologies. She enjoys plantspotting around her neighborhood in Marietta, Ohio, and skates with her local roller derby team as Carrion the Librarian.

Praise for The Pocket Pawpaw Cookbook:

"The best cookbooks convey not only how to use an ingredient but why an ingredient is special in the first place. The Pocket Pawpaw Cookbook is just that sort of resource-- great recipes that makes me want to go foraging in order to cook them!"—Abra Behrens, chef and author of the cookbooks Ruffage and Grist

“I’m sure it’s happened to you. You’re wandering the woods or the farmers market and suddenly you find yourself in possession of a passel of fleetingly ripe hillbilly bananas. Now what? After reading this ardent paean to the tropical taste of the Alleghenian-Appalalachian-Midwestern pawpaw you’ll find no better guide to this prehistoric sustainer of sloths than Sara Bir.”—Mike Sula, food writer, Chicago Reader

AUGUST 17, 2021 | ISBN: 978-0-9980188-9-8 | COOKING | 5 x 7 inch | PAPERBACK | 126 PAGES

20,00 €

  • 0,4 kg
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  • Lieferung in 2-9 Werktagen1

Zubehör: Pawpaw - In Search of America's Forgotten Fruit - by Andrew Moore

Das Buch ist auf Englisch (264 Seiten, Softcover) daher spare ich mir die Übersetzung der Beschreibung:


The largest edible fruit native to the United States tastes like a cross between a banana and a mango. It grows wild in twenty-six states, gracing Eastern forests each fall with sweet-smelling, tropical-flavored abundance. Historically, it fed and sustained Native Americans and European explorers, presidents, and enslaved African Americans, inspiring folk songs, poetry, and scores of place names from Georgia to Illinois. Its trees are an organic grower’s dream, requiring no pesticides or herbicides to thrive, and containing compounds that are among the most potent anticancer agents yet discovered.

So why have so few people heard of the pawpaw, much less tasted one?

In Pawpaw— - a 2016 James Beard Foundation Award nominee in the Writing & Literature category - —author Andrew Moore explores the past, present, and future of this unique fruit, traveling from the Ozarks to Monticello; canoeing the lower Mississippi in search of wild fruit; drinking pawpaw beer in Durham, North Carolina; tracking down lost cultivars in Appalachian hollers; and helping out during harvest season in a Maryland orchard. Along the way, he gathers pawpaw lore and knowledge not only from the plant breeders and horticulturists working to bring pawpaws into the mainstream (including Neal Peterson, known in pawpaw circles as the fruit’s own “Johnny Pawpawseed”), but also regular folks who remember eating them in the woods as kids, but haven’t had one in over fifty years.

As much as Pawpaw is a compendium of pawpaw knowledge, it also plumbs deeper questions about American foodways—how economic, biologic, and cultural forces combine, leading us to eat what we eat, and sometimes to ignore the incredible, delicious food growing all around us. If you haven’t yet eaten a pawpaw, this book won’t let you rest until you do.

25,00 €

  • 0,53 kg
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Zubehör: Bücher Set 3 Bücher

Alle 3 hier im Shop angebotenen Bücher als Set, alles was es über Pawpaws zu wissen gibt.


The Pocket Pawpaw Cook Book von Sarah Bir

For The Love of Pawpaws von Michael Judd

Pawpaw von Andrew Moore - In der Nachbestellung hoffendlich bald wieder verfügbar!


60,00 €

  • 1,5 kg
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